Monday, October 15, 2012

Someone's been looking at pinterest again...

Clockwise from top left:
-Clementine wedges
-Apple stuffed banana pancake muffin with chia and hemp seeds
-Wellshire uncured turkey ham rolls
-Dried mango slice
-Mashed potato with nori totoro
-Dried mango slice
-Carrot sticks
-Scrambled egg with nori wrapped ham slice for a lid
-Raw cashews

The kids and I spent some time this weekend on pinterest and flicker, looking at all the amazing bentos. It spurred a conversation with the boy about all the vegetables and fruit making it possible to make really cool bentos, and he agreed to try it out. It's not my best Totoro, but I think the kids will recognize him. I need a larger hole punch to do his eyes right.
The muffins are really yummy, and are so full of goodness. Each one is about half full of apple chunks. Then, I added a bunch of hemp seeds and chia, and a bit of maple syrup and coconut oil.
And, now I have the Totoro song in my head. And you should too...

UPDATE: (insert fail noise here) The ham and eggs were eaten and enjoyed by all, everything else came back home. The girl tried her muffin after school but was meh about it. She liked them better the next morning warmed up with a bit of syrup.

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